Self-Directed Improvement Projects
What are Environmentally Focused Self-Directed Improvement Projects?
You decide on a project for the MTC event.
Choose a project that is important to you. No project is too small or too insignificant!
The project can be an individual or a team effort with an environmental focus.
Remove litter and debris from the shoreline or lake bottom.
Collect trash from roadsides, campsites, or hiking trails.
Visit an Adirondack Watershed Institute steward. Observe and learn about controlling the spread of aquatic and terrestrial species that threaten our lakes and land.
Learn about the dangers of harmful algal blooms (HABs).
Plant native flowers to protect our pollinators.
Let a portion of your lawn go wild!
Plant a tree.
Create a rain barrel or a rain chain.
Build a rain garden.
Assess water clarity using a Secchi disk.
Educate yourself and others on threats to ADK wildlife.
Learn how to protect our iconic loons.
Create a poster or video to educate yourself or others about an environmental issue.
Create a poster or video demonstrating why you "Love the Lakes".
Draw a picture of your favorite Adirondack wildlife (see photo below).
Visit the Old Forge Library and read about protecting our lakes. The Fulton Chain of Lakes Association (FCLA) generously donated funds to the Old Forge Library in 2021. The library used the funds to purchase books to educate children about our lakes and the environment.
See photos of our 2021, 2022, and 2023 MTC participants for project ideas.
Read our informative Resource Material for planning your self-directed project.
Not in the Adirondacks during the MTC event. You can still participate. Complete a self-directed project anytime during the summer when convenient for you. Email us photos of your projects!
Don't live close to the Fulton Chain of Lakes. You can still participate. MTC is meant to benefit the entire Adirondack Park. Feel free to conduct your self-directed, environmentally-focused project anywhere in the Adirondack Park.
Submit project descriptions and photos to
Gifts of appreciation will be distributed to participants for creative and exceptional effort.
A “Best Project” award will be presented at the FCLA Annual Meeting. The winner(s) will receive a plaque engraved with their name(s). Two additional plaques housed in the Town of Inlet and Town of Webb public offices will also be displayed with the names of yearly MTC "Best Project" award winners.
Please submit project descriptions and photos to be eligible for gifts of appreciation or the "Best Project" award.
Please Read our Important Safety Checklist
Your participation in the MTC event is at your own risk. Your decision to participate as a volunteer is made of your own free will. By registering for the event, you assume full responsibility for any risk of bodily injury, death, or property damage arising out of or related to the event. MTC/FCLA does not assume any responsibility or obligation to provide financial or other assistance, including, but not limited to medical, health, or disability insurance in the event of injury, illness, death, or property damage.
Plan your self-directed, environmentally-focused project today!
Gideon attended the 2023 MTC Eco Arts Festival at View Arts Center. He learned all about the Common Loon at the Adirondack Center for Loon Conservation information table. This inspired him to create this beautiful drawing of the iconic bird.